How to build a Solana smart contract?

How to build a Solana smart contract?

One of the blockchain ecosystems that is developing the quickest is Solana, which was built to support the development of frequency-focused dApps. Solana, one of the quickest blockchains, challenges the decentralised space by spanning over 400 web3, DeFi, and NFT projects. 

To achieve high scalability and speed, it introduces the Proof-of-History (PoH) consensus algorithm. In terms of network throughput, data processing speed, and scalability, Solana also holds the top spot.

Let's now examine what makes the Solana smart contract architecture special.

The Solana smart contract's structure

  • Compared to standard EVM-enabled blockchains, Solana features a radically different smart contract approach. The conventional EVM-based smart contract models incorporate state, code, and logic into a single contract before deploying it on the blockchain network.
  • In contrast to the conventional smart contract model, the Solana smart contract just contains the programme logic and remains read-only or in a stateless mode. 
  • The Solana smart contract can be easily accessed via external accounts once it has been implemented. To store data about communication, these external accounts speak with the application.
  • Because of how state and contract logic are logically separated in the Solana smart contract architecture, it differs from conventional EVM-based smart contracts. 
  • In addition, Solana accounts are distinct from those created on other blockchains like Ethereum. 
  • When compared to accounts on Ethereum, which only give references to user wallets, they retain information such wallet credentials.
  • Additionally, Solana includes a CLI and JSON RPC API to improve how dApps communicate with the Solana network. Additionally, dApps can interface with the blockchain and Solana software using the existing SDKs.

Let's find out more about how Solana smart contracts are made in the following part.

How can a Solana smart contract be created?

This section will teach you how to create and deploy the "Hello World" Solana smart contract. The Rust programming language was used to create the HelloWorld smart contract, which outputs to the console. Setting up a Solana environment on Windows is the first thing to accomplish before starting any development.


Configure the Solana development environment

To write the code in Windows and start the Rust smart contract compilation, set up an Ubuntu version of the Window Subsystem for Linux.

so save.


Utilize Rust to create a Solana smart contract.

The following installations are required for the deployment of smart contracts:

  • NPM and NodJS v14 or later
  • Rust's most recent stable build
  • at least Solana CLI v1.7.11
  • Git

The HelloWorld Program is what?

A smart contract or piece of software called HelloWorld publishes output to the console. Additionally, it counts how many times the HelloWorld code has been run for the specific account and keeps this data on-chain. To better understand the code's notion, let's dissect it into its component parts.

The "process instruction" function and standard Solana programming parameters are described in the first section. In addition to performing this task, this section uses borsh (Binary Object Representation Serializer for Hashing) to serialise and deserialize parameters that are supplied to and received from the deployed application.

The programme id, a public key to which the code is being deployed, and the accountInfo, the account to which the code is saying hello, are then passed to the process instruction function.

The ProgramResult contains the program's main logic. In this case, before choosing the desired account from the list of "accounts," the ProgramResult publishes a message. But in our case, we only use one account.

The programme then determines if it can edit data for that particular account.

The function finishes by retrieving the stored account number, raising the value by one, publishing the outcome, and displaying a message.


Activate the smart contract.

The first step in deploying the code or smart contract is cloning the repository.

You can then switch to Devnet, the test network where Solana developers can create Solana smart contract developers, from your existing environment.

Then you need to create a fresh key pair. Your account can communicate with Solana Devnet's deployed apps or smart contracts using this key pair.

However, this method is only useful for demonstration purposes and is not recommended for keeping keys. You will therefore be elevated to pass for security purposes.

You can use the airdrop programme after creating an account to obtain the required SOL tokens. You need follow the Solana token development process precisely for SOL, and you'll also require some imports to build smart contracts.

You are now prepared to write the code for "hello, world." Use the command below to build it.

When the software is finished, deploy it to Devnet. You receive the result from starting the code with the output of the previous command, which appears as follows:

You've successfully added an application ID and the Hello World applications to Devnet. The Solana Devnet Explorer can be used to verify the code.

Last words

As more industries use blockchain and decentralized technology, the adoption of decentralized applications is rising. As a rapid, scalable, and affordable environment, Solana enables the creation of decentralized applications and quick and scalable smart contracts.

Regular updates are also released. Since Solana offers so many cutting-edge resources, like frameworks, SDKs, and development tools, developers like ourselves are thrilled to work on it.


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