Global economic growth is moving towards a digital ecosystem. Organizations around the world are adopting digital tokens to digitize everything from money transfer and investment. Blockchain is a great solution for anyone looking to secure and privately manage their finances online. Digital tokens, which have roots in blockchain technology and data security, are poised to revolutionize asset securitization.

What are the different token standards in Tezos

The standard defines the functionality and compatibility of any digital token. Tezos's token standards are in TZIP format (Tezos Interoperability Proposal). This led to the development of several different proposals. Each proposal is identified by its FA number.

TZIP # 5: Financial Application 1 (FA 1) - Abstract Ledger.

TZIP #7: Financial Application 1.2 (FA 1.2) - Approvable Ledger.

TZIP# 12: Financial Application 2 (FA 2) - Multi-Asset Interface.

(FA 1) - Abstract Ledger

FA1 (Abstract ledger) was created in response to the need for a minimalistic abstract leadger that could be useful in list applications components. This abstract ledger proposal did not include a specific interface in its initial stages.

Benefits of FA1

This fulfills the need for less abstraction

Assists with associating identities with balances

(FA 1.2) - Approvable Ledger

FA1.2 is an ERC-20-like fungible token standard (TZIP-7 for Tezos). FA1.2 is a core ledger that maps identities and token balances. It also provides an API standard for token transfer operations. It also supports interactions with smart contracts.

Benefits of FA1.2

Implement token transfer operations

Allows you to spend tokens from other accounts

Associates the identities with balances

Resistance to ERC-20 attack vector vulnerability

(FA 2) - Multi Asset Interface

FA2 (Multi-Asset Interface), was created to allow Tezos developers to not be dependent on specific standards ascertained for the token types. FA2 does not depend on token type. It supports multi-token token contracts and single token contracts via a single standard.

Benefits of FA2

This section provides the semantics of token transfer

FA2 supports transfer permission policies

FA2 offers standard unified token contract interfaces

How do you create tokens for Tezos

Tezos' token development platform uses FA 1.2 protocol. It is important to know the exact contract interface that must be implemented. This contract implements the FA 1.2 tezos standard, also known as tzip7. This standard is the second version for fungible tokens.

Five methods are used to generate digital tokens for Tezos in the overall stage of the contract interface.

1. It's used to send tokens of contact between addresses.

2. Get allowance Method: This allows you to verify the number of tokens that are available from other users.

3. It allows the contract's balance to be returned, which is then passed on to the function.

4. Total Supply MethodThis allows you to retrieve or get the entire amount of tokens that have been returned in this contract.

5. Approve MethodBy giving consent, it helps to manage the balance by another person by specifying the number and type of tokens that can be used.

These are the key steps to create digital tokens on Tezos.

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